Can any one tell me where I cn get converted into the following faiths:
1)Syrian orthodox ethnic group among Christians
2) Judaism
3)Bohra group of Muslims
4)Khoja community of Muslims and follwers of Agha Khan
1) If I get converted into Syrian orthodox church, the church will financially help to a large extent and see that the member is taken care off.
2) Judaism helps a lot those who are Jews and in a state of penury. They can easily migrate to Israel and get all the benefits. Only f one is very young he or she has to do the military service.
3) Bohra group is headed by Dr Saifuddin. The Bohras get all the support both financially and otherwise from the Bohra head. Only thng is tht the Bohraas have to bow before the head and also his grand son who is harly 12 years old or so. However the benefit one gets is much more that the ritual.
4) Khoja community is very rich basically and there are any number of institutions which help Khojas who are very poor. They also advance money for starting a new business with out any interest. The amount may be repaid when the business pick s up. Other wise I there is a loss another advance is made. The community gives free scholarship to all the students untl they finish. Even the foreign scholarship is given free.
5) Parsis are dwindling in number. They give all types of help to the commmunity members. They give well furnished flats at a monthly rent of re 1/- per month in case the Parsi in need of shelter. They take care of the entire education and other needs of the family of those who cannot afford. When a Parsi is aged and he does nt have any near and dear ones the community will give him shelter in the hospital owned by Parsis until his death. All his medical cre is aken by the Parsi panchayat. They also have “Dalits” among them butthis truth is never brought to the notice of the general public. These “Dalits take the body of the dead and they only take the body into the tower of silence where it is left naked to be eaten by the vultures. These dalits are never given promienence in any of the functions and they are seated seperately and other parsis do not mingle with them. And believe me I don’t want to be part of this “dalit” group
If you are thinking of getting converted I am really sorry. None of the above grous take convertees. It is a sort of closed societies. Now only the jews and parsis have started accepting the children born to a parsi father and jewish father and non parsi/ jewish mother into their fold.
Concerned community comes together for last prayers for shunned half parsi child who died of starvation.
Neglected in life Farzin Batlivala the seven year old girl who succumbed to starvation finally received her rightful dues from the Parsi community which came together on Saturday to perform her last rites.
The community in a way of acceptance has also assured her non Parsi mother Nisha a fixed pension as well as free education for her siblings.
The Zoroastrian Dakhma-nashini mode of disposal of the dead
After a human being dies, according to the Vendidad (ancient scripture of the Zoroastrians) - the evil spirit of putrefaction rushes on the dead body within about three hours after death, ie. in the next Geh (division of time) immediately after the one he dies in. After this time, the dead body cannot be touched by anybody except special corpse bearers (Nassesalars) who live apart from the rest of society
Extract from "THE PARSEE VOICE" Vol 1-7 Dt 1-15 November 2003
"But to our knowledge, only we have this
formalized system of pall-bearers, who, somehow,
are kept at a social distance."
"The time is approaching when this reservoir of
barely-educated men from South and Central
Gujarat will dry up, for the same reason – better
educated boys will not take to these two
This is how non Parsi lady who has married a Parsi is treated. Please do not be under the impression that the lady will be housed in a Parsis Dharmashala .We have no business to tell The Parsis as what is right or wrong. This is the way of life of Parsis and the life as per the custom of their religion. We are a secular state. But we are free to interfere in the religious practices of Hindus only.
This is same with Brahmanism and any sub castes below it. But probably i n this case, they will even take money instead of giving money!
I wonder, how come any Mutts haven't started this yet?
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