Recently i read an article in a tamil monthly about the.superiority of Vegetarian food over non vegetarian food. Even from the literature available going back to 2000 years veg is recommended, It is also said that the veg food makes one calm and keep him under check from indulging in any thing bad. (Adolf Hitler was a pure vegetarian!!) Also it is said that the veg food suits man and when this is so why one should indulge in killing animals for food. Some of the aniimals sanimals such as tiger, lion, fox wolf etc are designed for eating meat. Some animalsily live such as elephants,gorilla,rhino etc are pure vegetarians,
In case of humans even though he can take non veg food he can easily live on a vegetarian diet.
There is a false notion that Brahmin community were vegetarians from the very beginning. this is not so. long ago Brahmins were in the habit of taking meat even as per "Manu Smriti" the sacred and auspicious rite of "Sradhdha" conducted once in a year on the date of death of the forefathers meat was cooked. if the meat was that of Black buck the merit earned was ralatively less and when the meat of Rhino is used the merit was more and so on and so forth. The Brahmins were not prevented from purchasing the meat from the slaugterers . Even though the animals were not killed and dressed During the course of performance of "Yagna" such as "Aswamedha" (where a horse was sacrifisced) and "Aja,Medha" (where a goat was sacrificed) the meat of the animal the a small part was eaten by the "Ritvics" (the Brahmin conductors of the yaga)
This was considered as a part of the sacred ritual.". Apart from this the performance of "Yaga" involved the preparation of "Somarasa" supposed to be a sort of "Liquor"".
This was also consumed by the "Ritvics"" some of the ancient sacred texts says that in order to save ones life it is not against the tenets if one takes any type of food .(this includes non veg food. Sage Viswamitra it appears had taken a dogs meat to save his life during the course of a famine)
The vegetarian habit among Brahmins may be due to the influence of Jainism and Budhdism ..Even now the Brahmins of "Bengal" and Gowd Saraswath Brahmins majority of whom have settled in the wset coast of India) use fish in their food. The "Kashmiri" Brahmins are non vegetarians. I am bringing this to the notice of others who ar thinking that the Brahmin community is and was pure vegetarians.
What ever may be the superiority of the veg over nonveg can we make the tribals living in all the continets of the world and others like the people living in the deserts of Africa, in the ArtIc region, chineese, japanese into vegetarians where will they find vegetarian food to make up for the protein dificiency?
If taking life is sin how come that we use pesticides , rat poson, mosquito coils etc to ward off life forms which trouble us and other life forms? how about the plant life? May be we do not hear the cry of the plants. For this ISKON has awonderful theory. if the food is offered first to Lord Krishna the sin of having used the plants/cereals become null!!
My conslusion is that the fod habits are to be left to the individuals concerned. we should not say that one form(Veg foods ) is supeior to other forms(Non veg foods). It should left to the choice of the individuals.
Food habits have nothing to do with ones behaviour. Adolf Hitler was a pure vegetarian who shunned smoking and also a teetotaler. The sugar yam (see genasu) the elphant yam (choornagedde) senai kalangu,
are rot vegetables and used in "Shraddha" ceremonies. so telling that the root vegetables are treated as non veg is not correct i.
Any vegetable that gives bad odour while cooking or gives a bad smell, or gives a bad smell to the perspiration, has a bad name or resembles human organ is generally prohibited by the brahmins of yore. also the vegetables which were not available during the old vedic period were not used. for shraddha purposes only black pepper was used and never the present day "red peper"(Mirchi) same is the case with oil. only "Til" oil and cow's ghee was used and never any other oil. Even now in the "Parthsarathi" swamy temple at Madras only "Black Pepper" is used and not "Mirchi".
This is in addition to what i have already voiced in my blog
(I am a vegetarian as i was strictly broght as suct from my younger days)
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